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Workshop 9 of the MetPhil project

    The team of the MetPhil project (Croatian Science Foundation IP-2022-10-2550) organized a project workshop that was dedicated to Timothy Williamson who is a Senior Research and Teaching Fellow in Philosophy and Wykeham Professor of Logic Emeritus at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford and his recent book Overfitting and Heuristics in Philosophy (The Rutgers Lectures in Philosophy, 2024).

    The workshop was held on 4.3.2025. at 12.00 CET.

    The workshop was organized around a structured discussion, where each member of the MetPhil project presented several questions to Williamson regarding his recent books. Williamson then offered answers to these questions.

    Some of the engaging discussion points raised by the audience were the following:

    • The nature of hyperintensional properties and relations
    • The nature and viability of conceptual analysis/conceptual engineering
    • Situating the intensional/hyperintensional debate within the framework of the kuhnian paradigm shifts
    • The individuation of heuristics
    • Hyperintensional treatment of mathematics

    The minutes of this workshop are attached below.

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