The team of the MetPhil project (Croatian Science Foundation IP-2022-10-2550) organized a project workshop held by dr. sc. Filip Grgić who is a Senior Research Fellow (permanent position) at the Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb. The workshop was held on the 19.12.2024. The title of the workshop was “How to do Philosophy with Aristotle: An Example”.
In this talk Grgić tried to present interesting metaphilosophical themes that are to be found in Aristotle. For such purposes Grgić selected Chapter 1 of Book 8 of Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics and offered a reconstruction of his arguments. Grgić concludes that this case study offers us an often overlooked insight into the way in which Aristotle himself is doing philosophy, the things we need to keep in mind while studying philosophy, and the assumptions underlying the Aristotelian approach to philosophy.
The second part of the workshop was dedicated to questions and comments regarding the way in which we should understand Aristotle’s arguments and other metaphilosophical implications.
The minutes of this workshop are attached below.